Tuesday, July 11, 2017

'Puss in Boots 2: Nine Lives and 40 Thieves Action Figures Reveal

As you can expect from DreamWorks, this was a beautifully animated movie. It also had a lot of unexpected lines sometimes borderline controversial which made it even more fun to watch as a teenage/older audience. The plot is very exciting; I mean who wouldn't want to travel around the world with a circus? There is also some tension, as they are followed by an evil captain (also called "Crazy woman who are looking to hunt them down to get Alex the lion's head on her office wall. 

Not everything in this movie makes sense, but in most cases, this is totally fine. After all, it's an animated kid's movie, everything is not supposed to be making sense. One year has passed since the events of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and now the kings and queens of that land have returned to make a shocking discovery. Though by their calendars it has been only 12 months since their last voyage into Narnia, the four children are aghast to realize that 1,300 years have passed in the wondrous alternate universe.

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